Sunday, May 1

Operation Modern Chair

.........(long story that you don't care about).....we had broken all but one of our chairs. This is a problem in our family. Though we have plenty of other seating, Scott and I both prefer to sit at our desks. So we set out on Saturday afternoon to find something cheap and cute, but mostly cheap. Have I mentioned Miss Pixie's before. I totally love this store! Regis is more then welcome, the staff are so nice and you generally can get a chat going with friendly shoppers. 

Here is our great find:

There were two of these for $12 each. A little wipe down and a new upholstery and these babies are golden! 

I had never done upholstery work before. I think my mom did it once or twice, but that could have been on HGTV. That was basically the only channel we ever watched. It wasn't hard and by no means did I do it correctly either. Firstly a staple gun probably would have been better, but eh what do you do?! I didn't do any fancy pining or tucking or darting or piping, just a simple Christmas package wrapping. 


I would recommend tapping first and then hammering. Though the tacks come out, Scott wasn't too happy to keep gently prying on them.

What do you think? We didn't finish the other yet, we started the project too late in the night to keep hammering. 

After vs. Before


I am happy with the result. Maybe next time I will add as little more cushion. 

In Accomplished Tasks

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks terrific!!! I'm thinking I need to pay more attention to chairs in thrift stores...