Wednesday, July 21

Catching Up and Cabin Weekend

One of my old room mates and friend Carrie celebrated her birthday a few weeks ago. It had been a while since I had seen Sapphire and Laura Lynn.

My mom was in town for the weekend and spent a night on my couch. She ended up with all three dogs for a slumber party.

Last weekend we went to our beloved Cabin with our friends Josh, Shelby and Mason. We really love the cabin and are trying to go as often as possible before we move. Josh and Shelby spent the weekend coming up with a plan to live there. Mason had a great time fishing and playing in the water.

We caught: Josh went fishing and caught us dinner.

We chopped: What a butcher!

We caught again: This is Mason's first catch. It was a pretty big carp that he reeled in all by himself.

We released.

Well not much is new in the O'Banion/Hatterman household. I am still looking for a position. I am actively seeking out nanny positions, I really feel like that is what I should be doing at the time. We WILL decide on an apartment tonight and send in our application.

We have made a plan of packing three boxes a night. So far so good, we only started yesterday though. To be honest, we don't have much stuff to pack.

Christine and I are going to tag garage sale items on Friday.

The long list is getting shorter.....I can see the light!!!!!!

In Fishy Dreams

Again, blogger wont let me delete the last photo. Silly technology.

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