Our garden is coming up red, green, brown and orange. This past week has brought us cherry tomatoes and green beans. The potatoes should be ready to begin harvesting by next week; however the carrots have a way to go.

These are hot peppers. They grow weird, it's like gravity doesn't affect them and they grow up. When they turn red, in about two weeks, they are ready for eating.

I didn't even notice that we had beans, they are so close to the ground. Scott was pulling weeds and saw them.

Carrots are in the foreground and potatoes in the background.

This is a tomato plant that a friend gave us. These tomatoes seem really meaty, guess we will just have to wait and see.
In other O'Banion/Hatterman news, our apartment now has a "For Rent" sign in the front lawn and the landlord is showing it three times between now and tomorrow. While our current home is for rent we still are debating between two apartments in DC. Hopefully we can make that choice by the end of the week. I am still looking for a position in DC. At this point I am looking for everything and anything. We have faith that something will turn up just as our savings runs out. Very stressful for the fully planned out Victoria Hatterman life style! It is also making Scott a little nervous but he has plenty to focus on with preparing for school.
Thanks to my parents and sister, we are now living with about 75% less stuff They came and helped us clean out the closets so to speak. So if you are looking for a good garage sale, stop by on August 6/7.
Well the sun is shining, my face is swollen due to an allergic reaction to something and there are veggies to pick.
In Moving Chaos
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