Friday, February 3

I Read Two Books in January!

Yes you read that right, I am celebrating the fact that I read two books in one month. This is a very big accomplishment for this slow and often distracted reader.

This year I have established the goal of reading one book per month. I started out with a book I read a few years ago; I wanted to start with something I knew I would be able to finish ensuing to start the goal on a positive note. Here is a brief synopsis of the books I read.

I picked up this book at an airport a few years ago. It is a fun easy read with plenty of drama to keep the reader engaged. Some may recognize the book as the title of a newer movie starting Ginnifer Goodwin and Kate Hudson. I am excited to see how accurate the movie is.

This is the next book in the series by Emily Girffin. Something Blue is written from the perspective of the antagonist in Something Borrowed. This is also a fun easy read. Rumor has it that Ellen Degeneres bought the movie rites and it is in the works.

Next on the list:

What can I say, I like the author?!

In Happy Reading

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