Saturday, January 15

We Have Reached Our Limit

Have you ever seen the show Hoarders? It's pretty good, it always gives me a sudden urge to clean and purge. Here is a clip if you are not familiar.

We are never going to be at that point, we have just reached our limit for the studio. Between Christmas shopping/presents, we are out of hangers and corners to put things. I guess I should look at this more of a positive challenge, what have we not used in the past six months that someone else could need?

We really had a great time with all the families this past weekend. I tried to take some photos with the new camera, let's just say that I need some more practice. Here are a few of the ones that turned out.

A Classic Josh and Scott

The whole reason for the trip back. It was a beautiful ceremony and reception.

This little guy was done praying and ready to play.

This not-so-little-anymore guy was very ready to eat.

Grandma and Grandpa Redinbaugh with my mom, sister and I. Not the best photo, the the cheesy potatoes and ham proceeding this photo were outstanding.

We went classy for Dad's birthday, Texas Roadhouse. He even got to ride of the saw horse while they sang a song.

Well that's about it. Scott starts school next week. He is excited for the classes, I just don't know if his sleep schedule is prepared for the change. He is almost as bad as the dog! Speaking of the dog, he wont stop farting today!!!! He has been out many times and no avail, maybe a little pepto in his water (hahaha).

In Scrapbook Memories

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